Dear Beloved,


When I got this set supposedly for my own inner healing journey, the LORD has reminded me of "freely receive, freely give".
Even with many things happened throughout the last 6 - 8 months that unconsciously scarred my heart, I know for the fact that God's provision never stopped. Incident upon incident, HE has been, and always be, forever faithful to provide whatever I needed; and even with tons of challenges still ahead of me, I will not flinch from the mountains.

However, there has been unseen deep wounds that laid bare open that needed to be healed; because I have realised my recent health challenges, though with boldness I still declared, "by His stripes, I am healed", I still struggled. 2 days ago, the LORD convicted my heart in regards of forgiveness; and multiple when I stumbled across this interview for this audio book, and I now know, that if I do not let that go and truly forgive, this health challenge will keep returning and will haunt me till my grave.

As I embark my daily journey to listen to this audio book, I pray that whoever needs it will be able to benefit from it as well. Enjoy.

CD1 The Power of Forgiveness (MP3)
CD2 The Power of Forgiveness (MP3)
CD3 The Power of Forgiveness (MP3)